Monday, September 20, 2010

Evaluation References

Use the label "References" to share your favorite references and resources for evaluation. If you were just starting out in evaluation, what books and other resources would you want to know about?


  1. I've just finished "Logic Modeling Methods in Program Evaluation" by Joy Frechtling. (2007, Jossey-Bass). Recommend this as a practical introduction to logic models and how to develop/use them.

  2. Hopefully this is not too obvious, but Michael Quinn Patton's "Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods" is a great, basic evaluation and research methods source. Definitely a fabulous starter. ~Ashlee

  3. I second Ashlee's recommendation. I refer to Patton's book often when writing proposals or thinking about new strategies. I also have used Evaluation Methodology Basics: The Nuts and Bolts of Sound Evaluation by Davidson and Survey Research Methods (3rd Ed) by Fowler.

  4. I used J. Owen's (2007) Program evaluation: Forms and approaches and J. Sanders & C. Sullins' (2005) Evaluating school programs: An educator's guide. The second text is designed for practitioners while the first is more theoretical.
